drugs is potent , specific due to high affinity of it to bind with receptors
definitions :
pharmacokinetics :
what body do to the drug include : absorption , distribution , metabolism , excretion
pharmacodynamic :
what drug do to body include action , mechanism of action , adverse effect
receptors :
protein macromolecule on the surface of cell that react with specific substance to initiate effect
agonist :
drug that cause response by interacting with reseptor , has affinity and efficacy
affinity :
ability of agonist ro bind the receptors then form drug receptor complex
efficacy :
ability of drug receptor complex to cause response
antagoinst :
drug compete with agonist by blocking the receptor , has affinity but no efficacy
partial ahonist :
drug have affinity with moderate efficacy
types of receptors :
1- ligand gates ionic channels :
Fast (millisecond responses) neurotransmitters (e.g.
nicotinic receptors), linked directly to a transmembrane
ion channel.
2- G-protein
Slower neurotransmitters and hormones (e.g. muscarinic
receptors) linked to an intracellular G-protein (‘GPCR’).
3- tyrosine kinase linked receptors
insulin receptors) are slower still.
4- receptors that regulate DNA transcription
intracellular , gene transcription
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